Disney has a new princess

Disney has a new princess

Disney has a new princess. But not the princess everyone expected. Mary Barra has been the modern woman breaking down barriers in a typically male dominated world. Now she does it as Chief of General Motors, but before she was just an engineer working on the problems that an engineer encounters in a manufacturing environment. Engineering in an Automotive manufacturing facility is a tough place to learn your trade. The problems engineers address in this environment are not theoretical, they need to be fixed in very tight timelines and need to involve a large group of people with mixed backgrounds. Successful Engineers are those that can engineer a solution to the problem, but still are able to communicate with people in a way everyone can understand. Mary has become a rock star of sorts to the automotive industry, taking the helm of GM at a difficult time, with public perception leaning negatively toward GM. She addressed issues in a hurry, she talked about the issues plainly and directly, and she moved the culture forward at the big behemoth that is the largest car producer in the world. Like Princess Leia, this new blood from the outside represents what the modern princesses at Disney need to reflect in a world that does not accept the same stereotypes.